The power of an indoor hobby

During this global pandemic I have realized how important and beneficial it is to have a hobby which you can pursue indoors. Like the current situation has taught us, sometimes the situation can restrict you from going outdoors and you find yourself really idle and bored at your home. In times like these it is important to be able to do an activity that you enjoy. This also prevents you from the guilt of being unproductive.
I always try to get some exercise on a normal day either by playing a sport like soccer or just going for a run. Doing something fun helps me perform better in my academics as it relieves a lot of the stress. Well, the current lockdown doesn’t give me the freedom to go out and play however I still have something to do for fun - play chess! I am so glad that I learnt to play chess at the age of 10. This game has taught me so many skills. It has taught me critical thinking, problem solving, and the virtue of being patient. It has also taught me to accept your defeats and move on by learning from your mistakes. A few years back if two players wanted to play against each other, they would have to physically meet and play over a chess board. But with the growing technology, online chess allows you to play anyone from any part of the world just by sitting at home. Moreover, online chess provides you with additional features such as different variants of the game, puzzles to solve and lessons from world class players. You can play different modes like blitz, rapid and classical which correspond to different time controls. Recently I took part in an online inter collegiate chess tournament where students from colleges all across California participated. It turned out to be a fun event and I also got the opportunity to interact with a lot of interesting people. Chess serves to be the perfect stress buster for me and I usually play a game or two when I want to take a study break.
I would recommend everyone to use the current situation to develop a new indoor hobby and pursue it. It will offer you a new challenge and experience. You will get to explore yourself and might discover some hidden talents. By the end of the lockdown, you will find yourself to be a smarter and happier person.


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