Optional Practical Training during the COVID-19 pandemic

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is an opportunity that gives permission for international students to work for a certain period of time after completing a degree. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many international students have difficulty finding jobs (Kim). Indeed, studies have shown that students graduating from universities and applying for OPT are extremely worried about not being able to secure a job after graduation (Bhojwani, Joy, Hoxsey, Case 60). Indeed, OPT regulations state that if a student does not find a job within 90 days, then the student must depart the United States. This situation caused many students anxiety and uncertainty since the unemployment rates were rising and finding a job became a huge challenge in this pandemic. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act were passed in March of 2020 with the main goal of providing funding to higher education institutions; however, international students were not eligible for those since its a government subsidize. Although each visa has specific limitations and requirements, none of those were adjusted due to the pandemic (Bhojwani, Joy, Hoxsey, Case 48). In addition to that, many international students often have difficulty adjusting to the online environment, immigration changes, social distancing, and more. (Bhojwani, Joy, Hoxsey, Case 48). Another huge factor that takes its toll on International Students is loneliness. Indeed, many foreign students feel isolated due to the fact that they are not able to travel home because of the mandatory requirement to say in the U.S. when in the process of getting their OPT approved (Kim). Also, many countries have travel restrictions so International students have to worry about that as well when leaving the United States to visit their home country. As for me, before the pandemic, I would go out every day to a coffee shop to study; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to change my study habits completely. Indeed, I had to start learning how to study at home alone and cope with the lack of in-person interaction. Studies have shown that the Covid-19 uncertainty followed by feelings of isolation has tremendously impacted their mental health (Bhojwani, Joy, Hoxsey, Case 51). 

 Although finding a job during OPT can be difficult and stressful Euan Hae Kim, a legal immigration intern, gives insightful advice on how to navigate throughout this hard process. Kim once mentioned that seeking help from career advisors at the university is very important. Another piece of advice is identifying smaller employers that were impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, that seek help from International Students that offer skills gained in the field of study that the student graduated in (Kim). This year has been quite challenging for many individuals; however, knowing how to navigate towards this tough situation may provide relief throughout this difficult time.

                                               Works Cited

Bhojwani, Jaya, Eileen Joy, Abigail Hoxsey, and Amanda Case. 2020. “Being an International Student in the Age of COVID-19.” Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence and ADVANCE Working Paper Series 3(2) Special Issue: 47-60. https://www.purdue.edu/butler/documents/WPS-Special-Issue-Higher-Education-and-COVID-19---2020-Volume-3-Issue-2.pdf#page=50

             Eun Hae, Kim. "Impact of Covid-19 on F-1 students seeking OPT". Mintz. 07 May



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