Explore the New

What is the purpose of studying abroad? To me, I
think its purpose is to help the students to see the other unknown world and
explore the unfamiliar fields.
I remember the first time when I official heard
the term, feminist, which was an event that I attended the first year at UCSB
that talked about the #MeToo movement. In the event, Grace Kyungwon Hong,
Professor of Gender Studies at UCLA, states that feminist have surfaced from
time to time in the past, the modern feminist movement’s roots are in the age
of enlightenment with its principles of individual justice. Being an
international student, especially a male student, I think
this event inspired me a lot.
“As the feminist
movement taught us, what happens to one gender happens to us all,” as Professor
Hong states. I used to think that the feminist movement only focused on the
group of females by its literal meaning. However, I was wrong. As an article
from Forbes, “Why We Need Gender
Equity Now” highlights, “ Gender equality "does not mean that women and
men will become the same, but that women’s and men’s rights, responsibilities
and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female.” The
feminist is about coalition and solidarity. “Human misery knows no frontiers,
and nor should human solidarity,” like the professor mentioned in the event. We
cannot use gender to distinguish the good and the bad. As a collective living
in today’s world, everyone has the right to do what they think is right. We should accept everyone unconditionally even though
we have different gender, different race, different color of skin. The
University of California, Santa Barbara is an excellent university because of
its diverse environment. At UCSB, you can see students from all over the world.
I think this can be a unique opportunity for me to know more about others. Like
what the professor mentioned in her lecture, we need a coalition. I think that
the first step of an alliance is to know each other well. For example, our
school has all kinds of cultural clubs such as Chinese student association,
Latino student organization, Japanese student association, and so on. Through
all of these cultural groups, we definitely can learn from each other.
Meanwhile, by looking at the differences between each culture, we need to find
a balance point that can help us to understand each other more effective.
What is more? The professor Hong (UCLA Gender
Studies) talks about the Third World Women’s Alliance. The Third World Women’s
Alliance (TWWA) is an organization that brought together women of color in
socialist, anti-imperialist solidarity projects. She states the importance of
solidarity again. She points out that whatever occurred, we must unite as one.
As an old Chinese proverb goes, “great things may be done by mass effort.” This
teaches me that whenever I am facing a problem that I cannot solve by myself; I
can always ask help from others. “It is yourself that is the biggest enemy that
obstructs your progress,” as the saying goes. We cannot allow our self to be
the biggest stumbling block. On the contrary, when we see someone in trouble,
we should help them incumbent instead of ignoring them. I think this is the
purpose of the word “solidarity.”
I believe that the word “feminist” is excellent
and inclusive. It not only about the group of females but also about coalition
and solidarity in general for everyone. We need to realize that no matter who
you are, where are you from, what is your gender, we are all equal to each
Being an international
student, I do believe one of our duties is to combine the background that we
already have with the new culture that we are entering. And then, use this
studying-abroad-opportunity as an excellent platform to absorb and grow.
Work Cited
Forbes.com. (2019). Why We Need Gender Equity Now.
[online] Available at:
https://www.forbes.com/sites/ellevate/2017/09/14/why-we-need-gender-equity-now/#148acd077a24 [Accessed 14 Nov. 2019].
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